True Dry Contact switching of AC/DC large and small signals.
Brentek Dry Relay Output Modules have zero OFF-state leakage current so they are able to directly control solid state devices and other loads that should not have leakage current. Brentek Dry Contact Modules can also be used to satisfy your control system's power-down defaults via their FORM 1A, FORM 1B, FORM C,and LATCHING contacts. This allows for point-by-point selection of fail-SAFE I/O points.
Brentek Dry Output Modules feature a variety of highly-reliable industrial-rated Dry Contact relay configurations to meet every signal switching need:
Brentek Reed DRY-type Dry Contact Modules can control both large and small signals they can eliminate the need for specifying and stocking separate AC and DC module types. Brentek uses specially-built reed relays that are rated for 10 million cycles at full load and 100 million cycles mechanical lifetime. Modules with FORM 1A (Normally Open) reed relays provide very low ON-state resistance, high current switching (1 Amp) and high power factor switching (20VA). Form 1B (Normally Closed) reed relay modules provide for 0.5 Amp 10 VA switching with the same low contact resistance and high cycle-life ratings as Form 1A modules.
Brentek 1AMP-type Dry Output Modules fit a wide range of applications from 125 VDC Power Plant Controls to AC Control Systems as well as Telco and Communications Switching circuits by complying with FCC Part 68.302 and 68.304 surge and dielectric rating requirements. Their highly-reliable reed relays provide 250VAC/125VDC switching of 1 Amp 60 Watt signals with a 100 million cycle mechanical lifetime.
Brentek G-Series 5AMP and 8AMP Dry Output Modules provide for direct switching of heavier loads, such as motors, contactors, solenoids and lights, with zero off-state leakage current. They provide switching ratings of 5 Amps 1250VA and 8 Amps 2000 VA, respectively, with even higher inrush current ratings. Their silver tin oxide high-current contacts are highly reliable and the relay mechanisms are rated for 20-30 million mechanical cycles.
Brentek Latching Output Modules provide "fail-SAFE" control where the last contact state must be maintained when power is removed or lost. These modules latch the last output contact state (ON or OFF) prior to power-down. Optionally, they can also be configured to ignore spurious signals during power-up. Since these modules only need to be powered up when the output state is being switched, they are also ideal low power-usage control relays for solar and battery-operated applications.
Brentek Gx2TM Dual Dry Contact Modules provide extra control points in a single module. They allow the designer flexibility to control a FORM C (SPDT) relays or to independently control two FORM 1 relays (2A, AB, or 2B) with just one I/O slot. The Gx2 Dry Contact Modules are available with the same relays as the DRY, 1AMP, and 5AMP modules.
Brentek Dry Contact Modules’ form-factor provides direct plug-in compatibility with Industry-standard I/O racks from Brentek, OPTO 22, Crouzet, and Grayhill. They come standard with an active low input and they accept TTL, CMOS, and open-collector logic control signals with 5-volt, 12-volt, 15-volt, or 24-volt logic operation. Operation of these units is logically identical to industry standard SSR output modules.
The DRY, 1AMP, 5AMP, and 8AMP types are also available with 4 pins for Sinking Logic and Sourcing Logic applications.
Brentek specializes in customizing output modules – please contact us with your unique requirements!